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Prisoners Review Board of Western Australia

Consequences of Breaching Parole

When a prisoner does not meet a condition or requirement of parole, this is considered a breach of parole. For example if there is a condition to attend for urinalysis testing for drugs or alcohol and the prisoner:

  • fails to attend the test on the right day or
  • the test results indicate illicit drug use 

This is considered a breach of parole.

When the Board is notified of a breach, the main outcomes that can occur are:

  • advise Adult Community Corrections to issue a warning letter
  • suspend parole (this means being arrested and going back to prison for further consideration by the Board, and may result in their cancellation, further suspension or re-release) or
  • cancel parole (this means being arrested and going back to prison until the end of the sentence or until the prisoner reapplies for parole and the Board agrees they can be released on parole).

Reports of breaches, which can come to attention from many sources, including police, Community Corrections Officers, victims or members of the public. However, the Board can only consider a breach in its meetings if it is referred to them by either Adult Community Corrections (ACC) or the Western Australia Police (Police). If you are aware of a person breaching the conditions of their parole, it is recommended that you either contact ACC or Police to notify them of this breach.

ACC have the statutory authority to suspend a prisoners parole order if they consider that the risk to the safety of the community is elevated to such an extent that they should no longer be in the community.

Last updated: 3-Sep-2021

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